الثالث المتوسط


الفصل الأول


اللغة الانجليزية

اللغة الانجليزية

1 Traveler should put a name tag on his suitcase to identify it
2 . there is ........... to eat in the house .let order pizza
3 So far, she …………….... in her room.
4 . I love fresh fruit , in fact , there is nothing better than a good piece of watermelon on a hot summer day
5 .Travelers ..... not forget their board pass to can get on the plane
6 . I can’t eat peanuts ________ I’m allergic to them
7 karl : How much time ....... you spend in the library
8 Hind is ………………. than Layla.
9 she spend alot of time on the internet , so she become
10 . There was nothing to eat ________ we ordered takeout

أفدني فريق تطوعي غير تابع لوزارة التعليم أو أي جهة حكومية

أفدني فريق تطوعي غير تابع لوزارة التعليم أو أي جهة حكومية