الثالث المتوسط


الفصل الأول


اللغة الانجليزية

إختبار إلكتروني 3 انجليزي ثالث متوسط الفصل الأول

1 barbara is a vegetarian, she never eats meat
2 jon is an internet addict , he is online 15 minutes a day
3 max is devoted to his job , he rearly go
4 jen dose not like to sleep a lot , she
5 max is unemployed , he usually works 7 days a week
6 omar : ..... you work out . ahmed : yes ,i work out three time a week
7 lila dose not like to sleep a lot ,she ...... sleeps in
8 internet addicts feel .......... when they can not connect to the internet
9 she spend alot of time on the internet , so she become
10 he is a vegetarian ,so he eat

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أفدني فريق تطوعي غير تابع لوزارة التعليم أو أي جهة حكومية